Vision 2025

2 min readDec 8, 2020

Ravi is one of India’s leading entrepreneurs in the fashion niche, selling his own line of clothing and accessories online. Most of his brands stand for a greater purpose, and command a loyal fanbase. His FY25 turnover was over 100cr across all product lines! Ravi’s creations were featured in leading fashion magazines, and was been invited to multiple global events as a speaker.

The secret to his success is twofold.

· First is his habits. Ravi leads a disciplined life from sunrise to sunset. Meditation and fitness form a key part of his daily routine. Avoiding unnecessary digital addictions and junk food help keep him sharp he says. He is an avid reader — he makes it a point to read 1 new non fiction book a week.

· The second is his expertise in marketing and branding. Over the years, he has developed a wonderful understanding of consumer preferences, and how to spot the next upcoming trends to develop new products. He has curated multiple noteworthy marketing campaigns , evoking deep emotional connect with his target audience

Things weren’t always rosy for him. He had multiple failed attempts in the past few years. Some because of poor ideas. Others because he lacked technical know how in marketing the products. While he has been in the online marketing and branding niche since a few years now, the turning point came in 2021 when he attended Digital Deepak’s internship program. The skills he picked up in the program helped him scale his brands to the next level. He then quit his 9 to 5 and plunged full time into entrepreneurship. “I have transformed from a job seeker to a job provider” he says, as he now has 50+ employees on his roles as well as the hundreds of indirect employees and freelancers he works with.

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